If There Are Rewards Involved, Millennials Will Use Their Bank Accounts To Make Payments To Businesses


Due to its dependability and ease of use, online bank transfers have grown in popularity for making recurring payments. In the previous year, 25% of consumers who attempted online bank transfers, also known as pay by bank transfer, for the first time did so with the intention of earning reward points.

A payment option is preferred by 31% of millennials because they stand to get rewards like points or prizes.

Furthermore, if given incentives, 26% of consumers claimed they would employ pay-by-bank transfers for retail transactions. Millennials were the ones who said this the most.

These are some of the significant outcomes from “New Payment Options: The Lure of Payment Method Rewards,” a Nuvei collaboration. The study examines consumers’ willingness to employ online bank transfers for routine bill payments and online purchases in exchange for incentives from the payees. The results come from a 2,056 US consumers poll that was performed between January 10 and 13 and was census-balanced.